Leather is a costly material, so buying bags, shoes, sofa or clothes in this material can set you back a few dollars. Having paid top dollar for the leather sofa or purse, you logically always want to keep the item in good shape. Sadly, leather is tough to clean. Regardless of their durability, using too much water or washing them with a washing machine can destroy the material. What do you do when you notice a stain on your leather item? Below are effective tips on how to properly clean an article with leather material.
How to Clean Leather Purses or Bags
Leather purses and handbags are prone to stains as they are often placed on the floor and used outdoors. Some people use soap or detergent to get rid of the stains, but this is wrong - Soap or detergent remains on the leather and may result in cracking and dry patches. If you want to get rid of a stain effectively from your leather bag or purse, follow these steps;
How to Clean Leather Furniture
Leather furniture, such as cushions and sofa are standard in most homes, but only a few homeowners know how to clean leather furniture. Some homeowners make the mistake of using strong household cleaners on their cushions, the aftermath of such action is a worn-out cushion. To prevent such, here are some tips on how to clean leather furniture.
How to Clean dry stain from leather
Shoes Whenever you notice a dry stain on your leather shoe, do not clean it off with water. Get an eraser and rub the stain until it disappears. Do this gently, or else you may damage the material.
Caring for your leather items requires some skill and patience. Try some of these tips today and breathe new life to your leather furniture, bags, and shoes.
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