Work from home: How to enjoy your home on your break

by Michelle Plunkett, Associate Broker 01/12/2025

As technologies continue to advance, remote work will continue to be a routine part of home life. Whether you manage remote employees, work remotely yourself or are simply trying to keep up with your video call schedule and morning routine, maintaining your work-life balance can seem daunting.

Here are a few work from home tips to keep you in a great groove and mix in some fun home living:

Get some fresh air

We’ve all been told how important it is to take breaks while working, and working from home is no different. For those who enjoy the outdoors, try taking a few brisk walks around your yard or saunter through your garden admiring your space.

For those who may have smaller quarters, try stepping outside and simply enjoying the natural light, soft air and beautiful colors outside your indoor space.

If you have a newly finished deck or a nicely spaced patio, try setting your home office up outdoors, assuming you have proper coverage in case of weather. You’ll also want to ensure you can stay connected during your video meetings, so test your internet strength before fully setting up.

Stick to your work hours

Working remotely can impact your personal life on many levels. While there are several pros to working from your home office, there’s also the danger of working too much because of the convenience.

For example, if you’d normally work from 8:30 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon while in an office setting, bring those same hours home, taking breaks every 90 minutes or so to stretch and give yourself a break.

Take clear breaks, try chores

Make sure you set clear breaks for yourself throughout the day. If you have to keep yourself busy, however, try attacking your chore list.

Make sure you choose light chores with small completion times, such as a quick vacuuming session, to make sure you stick to your working schedule.

Another excellent way to multitask throughout your day is meal prepping during your breaks, so all you have to do for dinner is pop your premade meal in the oven or on the stove.

Working from home may seem like a great but overwhelming way to further your career. While these may only be a few tips, they’re great places to start. You may even find other ways to keep yourself and your home feeling great throughout the workweek with little to no extra effort.

About the Author

Michelle Plunkett, Associate Broker

It's simple, really.  Help people.  Each client is unique.  Every situation deserves special attention.  Each home, neighborhood and community is a perfect fit for someone.  Whether you are part of a grieving family settling an estate,  1st time home buyer, Upsizing, simplifying or find yourself starting a new life chapter, I am eager to understand your needs, provide you with options, guide you along and help  you to make insightful, shrewd decisions. What journey do you find yourself embarking on?  I would love to share the adventure with you - keeping it exciting, fun and rewarding!  I am a  FULL TIME   Realtor - working my schedule to fit with your lifestyle and adapting to your technological abilities.  Together we can make it happen! In appreciation for your business and in keeping with the spirit of thankfulness to the community that has supported me along the way, a portion of each commission is donated to charity.